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Specialist Legal

We deal exclusively with brain injury claims.

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Rehabilitation & Treatment

We pay for and arrange early treatment and support.

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We provide financial advice and support, and ensure maximum compensation is obtained.

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Emotional & Family support

We build our service around what you and your family need

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No risk

We are committed to offering a no win, no fee service.

Featured Videos

Further video updates to follow!

Returning to work after a brain injury: what predicts best outcome?

Returning to work is one of the main benchmarks of recovery and of overall well- being following a brain injury.

Therefore, a major review of 101 studies exploring return to work rates after a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) provides a valuable insight into what supports recovery and what are the main predictors of a delayed or non-return to work.

See our information centre for all the latest news and research from the brain injury field.

Read Article

Our Team

We are a law firm focused wholly upon brain injuries. We maintain a deliberately limited caseload in order to deliver our key principle of working differently, beyond the traditional legal model. Find out more about our team by clicking the button below.

Meet the Team

Our Service

We are happy to meet individuals and their families to explain how we work and whether our service may be suitable for you. This is always at no cost and with no obligation.

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Your Injury

Brain Injuries

A brain injury is defined as an alteration in brain function caused by an external force such as a blow, collision or jolt.


Concussion may be caused by a direct blow or jolt. For example, a collision during sport or a road traffic accident.

Head Injuries

A head injury is any sort of injury to your brain, skull, or scalp. It can range in severity from a bump or bruise to a major skull fracture requiring surgery.

Post-concussion syndrome

Post-concussion syndrome is an umbrella term for a cluster of difficulties that are present three months or more after an injury.

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    Would you like further information?

    Contact Us

    You are very welcome to contact Coulthursts if you would like further information or guidance. Please be assured that making contact with us will not incur any fees or commence a legal process of any kind.

    We are happy to provide further guidance on our services and information about concussion, head and brain injuries and do so without charge.

    Phone Number

    0333 006 9490

    Email Address

    Proudly Supporting

    Click here to watch how Coulthursts can help you, including interviews with and by our Ambassador, James Cracknell OBE